Shalom Hutte is a small inn
specializing in natural foods
in Azumino Shinshu.

The facilities are not aimed at providing luxury
but are designed for those who would like to spend a relaxing time surrounded by nature's
A place where one can come to enjoy the company of others as well as initiate friendships. |
"SHALOM"is a Hebrew word meaning
399-8301 JAPAN
TEL&FAX 0263-83-3838
*Hotaka station on the Oito Line
*Toyoshina I.C. on the Nagano Expressway
*FEE \9450 (Breakfast and Dinner included)
*CAPACITY 24 guests
*CHECK IN:15:00 PM/CHECK OUT :10:00 AM
*Please bring your own towel, nightwear and toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste etc)
*Please let us know on the day if you will be arriving later than 6:00pm.
*Pick up
We can pick you up from the station at 5:45pm. Please let us know by 5:00pm on the
day of your arrival if you require to be picked up.
*By car
From Hotaka Station drive until you find Shakunage-so Hotel. Then, turn left and
drive until you reach a road with a sign for Shinobugaoka Gakusyamura. Turn right into
this dirt road then take 4th road to the left. |

--- Information ---
A Day at
Shalom Hütte
Check in –
from 3:00pm
at reception
at our
courses will be served, containing no sugar, dairy products, eggs or any animal
products. If you have any particular allergies, let us know when you check in.
is open 24 hours
(except 6pm〜7pm)
Slide show
at the sunroom
in the main building
The emergency
bell will ring twice, please don’t be alarmed. It is merely to alert you to the
beginning of the show. Please check where the emergency exits are at that time.
Shalom Hütte’s
owner Usui san will introduce AZUMINO to you along with a photographic slide
show. He would
like to meet you at the show, and will likely have a warm chat with all his
guests afterwards.
The hallway lights will be turned
off at 11:00pm
Please feel
free to use the multipurpose room in the basement after that time.
6:00〜6:45am in
the basement multipurpose room
It is
wonderful to exercise in the morning, please do not hesitate to join in even if
you’ve never experienced Yoga before. The classes are gentle and can easily be
followed by watching the instructor.
tour 7:00am meet
at the main entrance
The owner will
take you on a guided tour, introducing various natural ways of farming, and our
ecological facilities. Please pick up a pair of rubber boots outside the front
Break fast
8:00am at
the dining room of the main building
Buffet style
vegetable dishes and natural leaven homemade breads are served.
Check out
- by10:00am
If you
would like us to drive you to the HOTAKA station, please let us know and check
out by 8:40am. The car will leave by 8:45am.
A handy
bicycle rental service is available. Please let us know before 8:20am. Bicycles
will be delivered to Shalom and your baggage will be taken to the station.